Off Topic: Holiday Fudge and Butter Toffee Popcorn
So I made the Butter Toffee Popcorn from the Oct. 2010 issue of Cook’s Country and I’m pretty sure I’ve stumbled on the next wildly popular recreational drug. First of all, it’s popcorn; a food that means movies and fairs and just smells like...
Guest Recipe: Mo’s Holiday Cookies
Mo and I met at my very first job (I won’t say what year that was but I will give you a hint: we did not have computers and people smoked with abandon right in their offices). We were young and single together and did lots of young, single things. Like go to...
Baked Explorations: Mississippi Mud Pie (B), aka Muddy Mississippi Cake
As much as I like this cake I have to say, I think it’s trying too hard. Isn’t combining an Oreo-cookie crust, a flourless chocolate cake, chocolate pudding and whipped cream pandering, just a little? If I had to leave one of those elements out it would be...
I made this tonight and it was awesome. I followed the directions precisely. The sauce was perfect and there's plenty…