Guess what?  America’s Test Kitchen contacted me and asked me to review their new book.

You know what that means?


Yep.  I won.

It’s possible that they sent the same email to dozens of bloggers, food journalists, respected practitioners of the culinary arts like this person or this one, but I’m not even going to go there today.  I’m going to take a moment to bask in my perhaps delusional belief that I have been chosen.

And don’t for a minute think this will compromise my reportorial integrity.  Oh, I can be bought for sure, but it’s going to take more than a free cookbook and a grill scraper.  They asked nothing of me other than to keep on doing the delightfully brilliant thing I do.  And I will.

And guess what again?  I have a free book to give away to one of my readers!  The first person to leave a comment here will receive their very own copy so they can follow along at home.

So roll that Weber out of the garage and let’s get grilling!